
let's do this: the first ever milly's meet-up

Image: Olaiya Land

When I was laid up with the über-flu over the holidays, I spent a lot of time thinking about the direction I want this blog to take. (Funny how shitty circumstances can have positive outcomes.) One of my goals for 2018 is to make this space function like more of a community and a catalyst inspiring us all to design creative, beautiful and satisfying lives for ourselves.

I asked you to reach out and let me know what sorts of events, activities and content you'd like to see more of. Tons of you generously took the time to respond. You asked for more international retreats, Seattle- and US-based workshops, and talks with other kick-ass women on how to craft your ideal life. 

Image: Olaiya Land

First of all, I love all these ideas--thank you! Also, I want to let you know I have all of the above projects in the works for this year. (High five!)

While I'm working on recruiting a roster of amazing women to come talk about their lives and career paths, I thought I'd kick things off with a cocktail hour meet-up so those of us who live in/near Seattle can get to know each other.  

Image: Olaiya Land

So on March 15 I'm hosting the first ever Milly's Meet-Up. We'll gather at Book Larder in Fremont for an after-work happy hour featuring natural wines and bites provided by yours truly. The price is $10 and 100% of the ticket price will be donated to Facing Homelessness.

So grab a friend or two who's into food, photography, travel or just meeting new folks and come say hi at Book Larder on the 15th! 

Image: Olaiya Land

The Details...

March 15, 2018


Book Larder
4252 Fremont Ave North
Seattle, WA

This meet up is for lovers of food, travel, photography, for those interested in crafting a creative life or who just want to meet new people. Your donation entitles you to one drink and an assortment of light bites (provided by yours truly). 100% of the ticket price will be donated to Facing Homelessness. People of all ages, genders, ethnic backgrounds and sexual orientations are welcome.

See you on the 15th!

Image: Olaiya Land